

På denne side kan du se forskellige videoer fra karate verden. Der er blandt andet interviews med Kyoshi Vitus Bilking og meget andet. Vi har forsøgt at dele det op i sektioner, så det passer til de forskellige emner


I denne sektion, kan se forskellige interviews. 

Hvem er Kyoshi Vitus Bilking

Kyoshi Vitus Bilking var en af de første, som tog karate til Danmark og åbner en karate klub.

Martial Arts & Aikido

I denne sektion kan se og lærer mere omkring Martial Arts & Aikido. Vi vil løbende prøve at tilføje flere videoer.

Mikio Yahara

Documentary about legendary karate master Mikio Yahara (Karatenomichi World Federation Chief Instructor).
Special thanks to Konstantin Teterin (producer and sponsor) and Nikolai Korovin (author)

Old School Makiwara and Tameshiwari Karate Training

Shotokan EM Milano 15/6-1976

Starts with Shotokan Karate Championship in Milan on 15/6-1976 with team captain Tanaka Sensi and the Danish National Team:
Bura sensei, Marino Gudjonsson, Bruno Jensen, Pall Gudjonsson, Karsten Ravn, BillyJensen (Bornholm) , Sven-Ole Thorsen og Frank Hummelgaard

Kata Unsu (M. Nakayama)

M.Nakayama - H. Nishiyama - T. Okazaki

Démonstration Karaté Shotokan – 1946

Old Kanku Dai


1 Videoer

Osaka sensei


1 Videoer

Enoeda v Kanazawa


1 Videoer


Tetsuhiko Asai – Kihon and Kata


1 Videoer



1 Videoer

The Karate of Chotoku Kyan

Seibukan, Shorinji-ryu and Sukunaihayashi (Shorin Ryu) styles are all based on Chotoku Kyan’s teaching. Isshin-Ryu is another Kyan derivative with a Goju-Ryu influence. Shobayashi-Ryu also has Kyan’s kata but with more of a Kobayashi-Ryu influence directly from Chosen Chibana. In fact, all of the above mentioned styles have some Kobayashi influence as Pinan and Naifanchi were added. These kata were adopted from Nakama Chozo (a close family friend and senior student of Chibana) to the Seibukan curriculum in the years just before Zenryo-sensei died.


1 Videoer

Perspectives on Shotokan karate

Sensei Gary Swain, 7th Dan in Shotokan karate shares his philosophies and perspectives on the benefits and results one obtains through this sort of training. He is an officer in the International Shotokan Karate Federation (ISKF).


1 Videoer

Master T. Okazaki

Way of the Warrior

Secrets of the Samurai Sword

Yoshiharu Osaka sensei

Enoeda Sensei

Asai Tetsihiko

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